The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Thursday, March 16, 2006


First and mom is now telling me how bad blogging is. From what she heard on TV, employeers are going online and searching for potential employees blogs and reading all about them. Then the company is getting insight into the potential employees personality to determine if they want to hire them or not. Psychologist pinpoint certain things and determine if you would be a quality hire or not. So, let everyone know right now..."Technology can be fun...Technology can bite you in the ass." And now you all know.

So, the point of this post is as follows:

You know how somedays you have an absolutely great day...And then there are days that are just not great. Well, we all need to accept that somedays we are the pigeons and somedays we are the statues. I want to assure you all that somedays you are not just a statue, you are Trafalgar Square. Have any of you been there? There are so many pigeons - much worse than any statue. days like this aren't horrible and horrible things don't have to happen on these days. They just sometimes don't feel 100% right.

I wish few Trafalgar Square days on everyone!



Blogger mookieam131 said...

Should I consider it mean that you have wished a Trafalgar day on me (and everyone else)? Though I do know what you mean!

6:43 PM  

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