The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A little randomness

So, I don't have an all out topic for this post, but there are a few things I feel I must discuss.

First, and I think this is exciting...I went up to Kmart in order of seeing what is being included in their 50% off Spring Sale. I never went to Kmart. In fact, Office Max is closing and they are having an "everything must go" sale where everything is 20-40% off. HOW EXCITING! I am all gung ho now to get on the organization bandwagon and move this desk downstairs! YEAH!

Then, on my way home, I was behind an Oldsmobile. That is all fine and well in and of itself, but this was not any ole' Olds...No, it was a piece of art! This car was hand painted lime green. You could still see the brush marks. Then, there was a silver strip around the entire car that had ABC and 123 refrigerator magnets all around the car. Apparently they were glued on. I say they were glued on because so were the pennies. Yes, pennies - ALL AROUND every door and curve of the car. They were head, tails, heads, tails all over and in various states of new...Some were shiney and some were really old looking. How many dollars do these people have glued onto their car? I wanted to take a picture, but was unable to get a good one on my cell. Alas, I will always have the picture in my mind!

The last thing I want to touch upon is lobster at Long John Silvers. This kinda freaks me out. It is lobster in a buttery breading. It looks pretty good and all, but lobster at a fast food restaraunt? I don't know. I don't freak about shrimp at Long John Silvers, so what is my problem with lobster? As an aside, they have lobster rolls at McDonalds in Maine and I don't have a problem with that...huh?

Have a great evening all!



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