Tom Cruise - well, I think he has gone nuts!
So, for some reason this afternoon I started looking at and stumble across Tom and Katie news. This leads back to the Oprah thing and the Matt Lauer thing and so I read on. Now - R U KIDDING ME? I read the entire Matt Lauer interview and I don't even think Tom Cruise had rational, or complete for that matter, thoughts. Is it love? Is he in need of a "pseudoscience" psychiatrist? Does he need to go on ridalin? I am so confused by him.
I think I will look into scientology so I can speak more knowledgably about it - as Tom says, you need to read everything you can about something so you can actually know about it and then talk about it and share with others. You don't know - people - I know, because I have read the interview. HE IS CRAZY! I highly recommend reading this so we can have a conversation about it ASAP. (Read abotu it here
So, in other news, this week has flown by. I think I am old - no really - 25 and old. I had to have my hair colored today because it is gray :(. And it is not even seven and I am dead tired. And where in the hell has this week flown off to? Am I getting so old that my days shorten drastically and all run into oneanother?!?!
Thats it for now - I might take a nap. My husband wants to go see crazy's fiance tonight in Batman Beginings - it doesn't start until 9:55 - who does that?