The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Thursday, March 30, 2006


I am so excited for tomorrow! I feel like I haven't seen TJ in round about forever and I am done! I want him to come home and I get my wish tomorrow. YAH!!!!!! I cannot wait to get a hug. Sometimes you take someone for granted because they are always around. Well, trust me, when you don't see someone in what feels like forever, all you do is miss them and realize how much you want them to be home.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Out and About

So, I am finishing up my last module of the GRI. I am so glad that I almost have this designation. I hope that it really helps out my career. I think it will.

Anyway, we were out of class early today and I went to the mall. I am so thrifty! Get ready to be proud of me...I bought 1 black cardigan sweater (Mookie has always said that those are a wardrobe staple and I have never had one!) and two three quarter lenght basic solid color tees with different necklines. They were all marked down to $9.99. I thought I was doing great already, but got to the register and found out that they were ALSO 40% off of the lowest ticketed price. I only spent $17.86. Please...I had buyers remorse, but because I didn't get more! :)


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A little randomness

So, I don't have an all out topic for this post, but there are a few things I feel I must discuss.

First, and I think this is exciting...I went up to Kmart in order of seeing what is being included in their 50% off Spring Sale. I never went to Kmart. In fact, Office Max is closing and they are having an "everything must go" sale where everything is 20-40% off. HOW EXCITING! I am all gung ho now to get on the organization bandwagon and move this desk downstairs! YEAH!

Then, on my way home, I was behind an Oldsmobile. That is all fine and well in and of itself, but this was not any ole' Olds...No, it was a piece of art! This car was hand painted lime green. You could still see the brush marks. Then, there was a silver strip around the entire car that had ABC and 123 refrigerator magnets all around the car. Apparently they were glued on. I say they were glued on because so were the pennies. Yes, pennies - ALL AROUND every door and curve of the car. They were head, tails, heads, tails all over and in various states of new...Some were shiney and some were really old looking. How many dollars do these people have glued onto their car? I wanted to take a picture, but was unable to get a good one on my cell. Alas, I will always have the picture in my mind!

The last thing I want to touch upon is lobster at Long John Silvers. This kinda freaks me out. It is lobster in a buttery breading. It looks pretty good and all, but lobster at a fast food restaraunt? I don't know. I don't freak about shrimp at Long John Silvers, so what is my problem with lobster? As an aside, they have lobster rolls at McDonalds in Maine and I don't have a problem with that...huh?

Have a great evening all!


Monday, March 20, 2006

Magical WV

This is a post dedicated to my great friend Mookie and why she should move back to the great state of WV...

Reason #:

1. If you are going to get into politics so we can change the world, we need toget started now. At 26 we are getting too old to get into politics.

2. If you are going to be the Mayor of Morgantown or the Governer of WV, you have to live in WV.

3. There are a lot of people that would like to to be closer to home.

4. You could actually own a real life home...not just have one in your head.

5. There are lawyers here too.

6. We can still visit the "Big City" for fun girl trip vacations.

7. Andrew may actually like Morgantown so much after his visits that he wants to move here too!

8. It is a great time to be a Mountaineer and an even better time to live in Touchdown City.

9. You miss me - I know it!


Well, that is the top ten reasons I can think of right now to get Mookie to come to WV. So, if you agree with these reasons, hope on your left foot and do the right thing...move back to WV! :)

P.S. I just thought of a number 11 - The cost of living in WV is more wallet friendly!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


First and mom is now telling me how bad blogging is. From what she heard on TV, employeers are going online and searching for potential employees blogs and reading all about them. Then the company is getting insight into the potential employees personality to determine if they want to hire them or not. Psychologist pinpoint certain things and determine if you would be a quality hire or not. So, let everyone know right now..."Technology can be fun...Technology can bite you in the ass." And now you all know.

So, the point of this post is as follows:

You know how somedays you have an absolutely great day...And then there are days that are just not great. Well, we all need to accept that somedays we are the pigeons and somedays we are the statues. I want to assure you all that somedays you are not just a statue, you are Trafalgar Square. Have any of you been there? There are so many pigeons - much worse than any statue. days like this aren't horrible and horrible things don't have to happen on these days. They just sometimes don't feel 100% right.

I wish few Trafalgar Square days on everyone!


Saturday, March 11, 2006

From TV to the Big Screen

So, this weekend I am in DC with Mookie. We have had a very productive and food-filled time so far. It is quite exciting to be truly honest!

Today we have chilled out on the couch and watched four movies. I picked two and Mookie picked two. So, this blog is going to be dedicated to the Big Screen - unlike the usual TV blogs :).

Movie 1:

So, first off, this morning started with phone calls. WELCOME BACK TO REAL ESTATE! Now, with that being said, I was up and at it by 9am. That sucks since we didn't go to bed until 3am or so. We watched a little Paula Dean and scrambled up some eggs and snuggled up to the couch for a little "Upside of Anger."

This movie was pretty good. It was a solid 6.5 out of 10. Not the best movie I have ever seen and not the best. It did have a great cast and a good twist in the end. I enjoyed watching the main character coming into herown after years of marriage. Pretty good movie. Great dialoge. Very witty. All in all, I enjoyed this flick.

Movie 2:

During this movie we ate chips and cheese dip. I feel it necessary to tell you all what we ate too - as it was a day to celebrate Mookies 26th early with a birthday fromage! We watched "In Here Shoes." During the movie, we also baked the sugar cookie base to the fruit pizza.

This was a good movie as well. I would probably give it a 7 on a scale to 10. I love chic lit and this seemed like a movie taken straight from the chic lit genre. I liked the raw emotion and forgiveness in the movie. I would like to think that I would be like this as well if I too had a sister. However, I am not sure I could be as forgiving. Watch the movie to know what I mean by that. I can imagine being totally distraught if my sister did something like that to me. Again, watch the movie.

Movie 3:

Movie 3 was "The Weatherman." Just before the movie we topped the pizza and fixed the mac-n-cheese and broccoli casserole (see, some healthy). We started the movie and paused it several times. All in all, this was a pretty good movie as well. I award it a 7 or 10 as well. It was a super dark humor movie. Not quite as funny as I thought it would be, but good. F*#@ - watch the movie...understand that as well.

Movie 4:

TOTAL DISAPPOINTMENT. I love "Better Off Dead." You know, the 80's John Cusack movie..."I want my two dollars!" Mookie, on the other hand, didn't like it so much. This is where the disappointment comes in. Of course, TJ had a great point...maybe you do have to watch this movie in 1986 to truly appriciate it's greatness. However, I know I didn't see it way back then - but it was years back. True, the older I get the more annoying the spring to winter cuts get (watch the movie and don't blame me for pointing that out to should have realized it yourself) as well as the skiing down to the top of the K-12.

Well, I think this is a good summary of the day. We are now watching the Gauntlet II. I love reality TV - but I will leave this to another day as this was dedicated to the Big Screen.

Sweet Dreams!