The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Growing Pains

There are things that happen in life that really suck - they hurt, they make you cry they make you realize that you are no longer a child. I mean, I know I am not a kid anymore, but Gosh, I really wish I were sometimes! I want to share with you all a little that I have learned in my 26 years...

1 - Life was easier in 2nd grade - there were no bills, no math harder than adding and subtracting, you could read, you were learning to write in cursive and you still got a recess. Although not as good as kindergarten (where you actually get to nap too), this was a really easy time in life.

2 - Houses are really nice to own, but gosh, they are expensive! I guess this would fall into the bills category, however, mortgages compiled with property taxed and home owners insurance are a real thorn in the side. It really hurts to write that check monthly and know that if I were to pay it off, I would be 55 years old and paid a crap load in interest.

3 - There are only a handful of true friends out there. I guess, though, that some people are actually truly blessed if they have a full hand count. Other people come in and out of your life and serve some type of purpose along the way. Hopefully, we learn something from these people or take something from the experience that will make us a stronger person.

4 - When friendships end, it hurts...Sometimes more than others. In some cases, we feel like "Good Riddance!" and in others, we cry. Sometimes we don't know what happened, someone just never called and we never called them either. Other times, there is a huge argument or "reason" that everything falls to shit.

5 - There are friends that can stand next to you and applaud your successes. Then there are friends that cannot stand for you to do good and thus they can no longer be your friend. I guess your life going well makes them seem worse off. I don't know for sure, because I am an applaud friend.

6 - Losing weight is hard. I mean, really hard. Especially when there are cookies and junk everywhere you turn. McDonald's also makes it harder for you...No, really, they do.

Well, I guess that is that for now. I was not meaning to bore you, just wanted to get some thoughts out.


Monday, July 24, 2006


So, I have a few things to post about this evening. Please bear with me if it would drag on...

1. Thank you all for willing for my A. Apparently, I need to brush up more on the difference between the statistical hypothesis of parametric and nonparametric statistics. Somehow, I doubt that happens...but I did receive 240 out of 250 points on the assignment. Therefore, I get a 97% in this class. I am very relieved to have this class behind me!

2. I am loving bellydancing class. I really have fun there. I think I may take the basic class again and possibly eventually the drills and conditioning class.

3. I cannot wait to go to Orlando. I am so ready for a vacation!

4. Happy Anniversary to Jonathan and Tiffany! YAY for 2 years!

Well, that is about all. Not as long as I thought it would be. Apparently I thought there was more information to talk about before I got it all down on screen!


Sunday, July 23, 2006


38 PAGES! Statistical graphs and numbers...38 PAGES! No lie! I just submitted my final project in Measurement and Analysis. I am so glad to have a few weeks off now! I am also glad that I did not take this class with another one. I did not do very well in statistics the first time around and I am just keeping my fingers crossed that I will do better the second time around.

If you are reading this, start willing that I will get an A in this class. That is what I would prefer, so if you could all help me out, I would appreciate it. I will also let you all know how it went later on this week when I get my grade.

This weekend was also Nick's 21 birthday. Happy belated to him. We had a really good time last night out playing games, dancing, visiting! I lost $5 in the machines, but all was good!


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Just an Update...

Hi all - I hope everyone has been doing well. I wanted to update you all on a few goings on.

1 - Congrats to Katie and Emmitt! They got married last week. They are getting married again (I would say that is a renewal not an actual marriage ceremony) over Martin Luther King Weekend 2007 in Canaan Valley. I am excited for her. Emmitt is off to Iraq for a short tour (I hope) and should be back well in advance of the renewal. Obviously, there can be no renewal with no Emmitt.

2 - Amy gave some sad news the other day. I cannot talk about it here, but I am sad about it. Otherwise, in Amy news, she will be in to visit me in two weeks! I am so excited.

3 - We went biking today on my new bike. I had so much fun. I am so tired! No joke. It was 93 degrees and very sunny. TJ ran beside me (he is also tired... more so than me I think). I rode from Star City to the Westover Bridge and back - 6.6 miles! YAH! I am excited for my new bike.

4 - Matthew has decided to go play ball at Davis and Elkins. I am happy for him because he got a kickass scholarship and gets to play ball (that makes him happy). I cannot help but be sad though. I was excited for him to come to WVU. Who knows, maybe he will come here sometime.

5 - I worked today at Suncrest Village. There was an Asian couple that came in and they were very nice. HOWEVER, when they didn't want me to know what they were saying, they spoke their native tongue. I HATE THAT! How do I know they weren't talking about me? It is just rude. I don't so that kind of thing...even though I guess I can't!

6 - This week my suck. It is the last week of my summer class and I have to work a lot on my final project. I have yet to start. It is all on SPSS with a data set. Right, what is SPSS...I hope you never have to know! Just wish me luck in my endeavor to not ruin my weekend by ruining my week. I will eat, sleep, exercise, final all week.

That is all I guess. I will return shortly...depending on how the final work goes!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006


So far, I have lost 5.4% of my starting body weight on Weight Watchers. I am so excited. Even after a trying weekend at a wedding (CHEESECAKE...) I still lost 2.5 pounds. It must have been all the dancing.

I felt guilty all week after the cheesecake too, as I didn't just have a bite or a slice...I had a sliver of Key Lime and a sliver of Creme Brulee and a hunk of Chocolate Raz. All were to die for and the large serving og chocolate made me sick to me tummy. I only went over by one point all week and actually exercised 29 points away throughout the week.

Now though, everyone in my office must hate me...there are creme filled doughnuts, glazed doughnuts and homemade cake. Please, someone give me the strenght to keep me out of the kitchen for the remainder of the week - I know all that junk (including the chips that have been giving me the evil eye all week) will still be in there.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while - trying to get better and not be a MIA me!


Monday, July 03, 2006

Battle for the Mountain State


Is everyone as excited as I am? 60 DAYS! I cannot wait until my favorite season rolls around again and apparently, we are really close now! (Unfortunately, this year is flying by in a big hurry!) I want comments - Who will win the Battle for the Mountain State? I mean, really, is this a question? At least we should make it fair and ask what people think. I am hoping and praying that it turns out how I desire!

On the flip side though, we are preseason top 5. Does anyone else remember a season where we start on top? Bad things sometimes happen. Start willing people - we want a great season! Get behind out Mountaineers and Shout "Lets Go...."

Later :)