The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Just a Note...

I just wanted to post and let all of my readers know that I am not in any way a confrontational person. In fact...I HATE CONFRONTATION. However, (now imagine my sweet little voice saying this) I can sometimes be vindictive and spiteful!

Now you know.


Monday, September 12, 2005

When did we get to the age where is you don't feel well, people ask if you are pregnant?

Sometimes I feel sorry for us women.

I have this friend Mookie - I respect her so much for knowing what she wants in life and finding the best people in the world to support her. She is unconventional and beautiful and doesn't get sucked into what the world thinks we should be doing at this time in a 25 year old's life. She is fabulous and she knows it.

And what is best about all these friends is that I have others that walk on the other side of the of the fence. You know the type...the ones that measure selfworth by their relationships. The kind of person who is overwhelmed with drama. I almost feel sorry for them because they don't even know who they are. I was just speaking to one of my friends...we'll call her JT for purposes here...and she thinks she is going to die an old maid with 95 cats because no one has asked her to marry as of yet. GIVE ME A BREAK! We as women must know ourselves before we can be happy in a relationship. I wish JT could learn more from Mookie (maybe they would need to meet then) so that she can realize that people come into our lives and we appriciate their compan. We may like them...A LOT...but don't have to rush into marriage or babies to be women. We should be proud to know who WE are and find the blessings in all the beautiful people who make us happy.

By the way, JT doesn't read this. I don't know how to tell her to just be her and that one day her prince will come. If you think that was good, let me know...please help out with some ideas. And Mookie...maybe you would want to tell her how it is...we are WOMEN...beautiful, fabulous, strong women who know ourselves...and that is what truly gives us selfworth and dignity!

And as for this title to my is so aggrivating to be this age. I am a woman who is married and will have babies when my husband and I are ready. Stop asking. I am 25 and sometime I just don't feel well. Like I am sick with the flu or am getting a cold. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT I AM PREGNANT WITH MORNING SICKNESS. It means I don't feel well and I am sick.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

BLOG SPAM? You have got to be kidding me!

As if crappy work and movies weren't enough, I get two comments to my blog. I LOVE TO GET COMMENTS too, but not from ANNONYMUS people trying to sell me FACIAL SOAP. joke, I have already deleted them because I think that is pure and utterly craptastic...I received BLOG SPAM.

Where is this world going? Can't we only talk to people who want to talk back? How many e-mails a day do you receive to enlarge your penis? For Viagra? For a cheap date? I DON'T EVEN HAVE A PENIS...why would I want to spend money to enlarge it?

Add this to the list...the list of stupid things that happen in this world...BLOG SPAM!

Never Watch Ring of Darkness

No really...don't do it! It is the absolute crappiest movie I have ever seen. Why then do I find my self drawn to watch it every time it is on? is like I have to tune in and see if the actors act any better today than yesterday. Of course, it is showing on Showtime...this means it comes on almost everyday...twice a day usually and on multiple Showtime channels.

This is the plot line "An unwitting singer joins a boy band in which the members are really zombies in disguise." No...I am 100% serious. This is really the plot. And the zombie boy band members tend to walk around in, well, in their boxer briefs. WIERD. Also, you are not seeing things...Ryan Star is in this movie. You all remember the American Idol who hated not being a rocker and then rocked out on the Surreal Life with Jordan Knight? HEHE. She is a bad actress. Bad singer. Bad reality star. (Note to Ryan Star, go back to high school or something!)

For all of you GH fans out there though, the boy who joins the band played Nicolas Cassadine for a few years. Although he is a hottie, this movie still blows. The zombie boy banders want to have gang bangs with the new members girls too. WHY CAN I NOT STOP WATCHING THIS CRAP?

Please, if anyone answers prayers...make Ring of Darkness GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Has anyone even missed me?!?!?!

Yes, I know I have been missing for a long long time. I am sorry for this - no really, I am. I have to start writing more often so as to practice for my book. Yes, my book. Iwill tell you more about it someday...when I actually have a plot line and characters devised. I feel though that writing a book would be a great job. ESPECIALLY if someone liked it enough to actually publish it making all your hard work and dedication worthwhile.

The truth is though, if you write a book, you are on your deadlines and your not killing anyone by not getting enough blood for the patients who are in need. This current job of mine seems a little too stressful. Definitely a lose lose situation. Honestly, you can't win for losing. I am very discuraged (and feel that I can't spell, but have little concern for that now - so if I am misspelling words, over look them or comment if you so desire!). It is my understanding that most people in the world do not like going to work on a day to day basis - that is why it is called work. However, life seems to short to hate waking up to go to a place where you feel inadequate and seemingly worthless (whether self-imposed or otherwise). And furthermore, why is every work week so much longer than the weekends? Don't people need some time to do grown-up things like laundry, grass mowing, car washing, bill paying, etc. not to mention just want to veg out and relax a SECOND!

I am in a funk. I have been in a funk. I feel funky. How can we fix this problem? WRITE A BOOK! I was just thinking that too! Now, if only the creative juices would start flowing so I can get on this new plan.

So, I am seriously going to be better with the BLOG. I have to be. I just do.

Love you all who care enough to read my ever so sparse postings! :)