The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

THE Best Show on EARTH

OK, so last night was the season finale of both Prisonbreak and Grey's Anatomy. By far the best shows on TV. I am posting to comment - as an aside, if you TIVOd either...stop reading, this may be a spoiler.

Prisonbreak - I love this show. For 2 seasons now, TJ and I have wondered what they will actually do with this show when they do break out of prison. Well, last night they did make a run for it. Horatio (as I call him) - the big guy - got caught...He did not make it over the wall. Haywire was left to fend for himself and stole a little girl's bike. Vanilla Ice was told he could go no further and found his way into a horse trailer. Teabag got his entire hand cut off and the rest of the crew ran on toward freedom. Next season is supposed to follow the convicts through their lives on the run. Since DB died...Who will go after his money? I cannot wait now until the fall!

Grey's Anatomy - RU KIDDING me? I cried and cried and cried during this 3 hour season finale. When they put Doc down, I was done. This has to be the best show on TV right now. I love it! I cannot wait until this show comes back - Alex made me like him...again...Will Izzy stay or go? Does George really love kali? Thank God Christina came around for Burke. Will Burke recover? Will Allison go back to NYC? WHO WILL MEREDITH CHOSE...McDreamy or Fin??????

Sometimes I feel as though life is in fast forward wishing for the next season of good shows. I hope that next week's Desperate Housewives is as great as Grey's Anatomy!

Linz :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Mrs. Fix-it

I am so proud of myself today! For those of you who do not know this, TJ and I have 2 babies...a Trinity and a Gizmo. Trinity is a big girl and Gizmo is a little boy. Gizmo is the boss of us - all of us. He is also deceptive and, I swear, he had devil horns under his cute little ears.

When we first moved into our home, Gizmo destroyed the screens on the back porch...2 screens. I was angry and I am positive it was him. They were torn across just at the Gizmo-standing-on-his-back-paws level. Every day I walk past these devastated screens and think to myself, "I need to fix those or get someone to fix them...wonder how expensive that will be?"

Needlesstosay, I fixed the screens today and I do a pretty good job. I also added a kid/pet proof grate over the bottom to foil any other evil acts Gizmo may be planning.

Now I am just contemplating my next move...what can Mrs Fix-it do next?

Have a great day all...
