The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Tom Cruise - well, I think he has gone nuts!

So, for some reason this afternoon I started looking at and stumble across Tom and Katie news. This leads back to the Oprah thing and the Matt Lauer thing and so I read on. Now - R U KIDDING ME? I read the entire Matt Lauer interview and I don't even think Tom Cruise had rational, or complete for that matter, thoughts. Is it love? Is he in need of a "pseudoscience" psychiatrist? Does he need to go on ridalin? I am so confused by him.

I think I will look into scientology so I can speak more knowledgably about it - as Tom says, you need to read everything you can about something so you can actually know about it and then talk about it and share with others. You don't know - people - I know, because I have read the interview. HE IS CRAZY! I highly recommend reading this so we can have a conversation about it ASAP. (Read abotu it here

So, in other news, this week has flown by. I think I am old - no really - 25 and old. I had to have my hair colored today because it is gray :(. And it is not even seven and I am dead tired. And where in the hell has this week flown off to? Am I getting so old that my days shorten drastically and all run into oneanother?!?!

Thats it for now - I might take a nap. My husband wants to go see crazy's fiance tonight in Batman Beginings - it doesn't start until 9:55 - who does that?


Monday, June 27, 2005

An Ode to the First Post...

So, per Amber's request, I am starting this blog. I am sure that all of you out there are truly excited about this! I thought I would start this off by letting all of you know a little about me - and how I think.

I am a true coward who hates confrontation but love to be blunt and tell you what I wish I had the courage to say in real life. I find that the older I get the more I actually grow the balls to say what I think about. I am not sure if this is because I speak before I think or what. Friends that have known me forever always say, "did you really say that?" Good news is that 50% of the time now I did say that now - 50% of the time I still say, "no, I just thought it but I wish I could say it!"

I wish to tell you a little about me so that you do not have to go to my profile to figure out who I am. So, here goes: I am 25 and married to a wonderful man whom I have been with since March 12, 1997. He is great and I am so blessed to have landed such a wonderful husband to share myl ife with. We have two children - chill out, not real ones, our babies are Trinity and Gizmo. They are so precious and we love them - all the time, no matter what TJ says. :) I work for the American Red Cross Blood Services and feel that we should all donate blood (but I will save this rant until I have nothing else to say.)

OK - so, there you have it. Prepare to be impressed with this blog! I am sure you will learn great things about the Life and Times of Me!