I am sorry I have been MIA
For anyone who actually reads this, I have been missing in action for some time. As it turns out, my leg has been hurting like you wouldn't believe. I have pictures, but I am not so sure I should post them online. It might hurt you - trust me, it is so gross.
So, on the job front, I am so excited for August to get here. July has sucked! Really, sucked A LOT! I hope August will be better, but I am not so sure of that. You see, we were told to ignore Aug and only focus on bringing in July. So, does that mean we will be crap for not bringing in August? How aggrivating. I am sure all will look up. There are three new hires starting tomorrow. Good news is, that one of them will be my new assistant!!!!! I love Robert, but he is so far away and WAY over worked.
In other news, I am on summer vacation - from school - finally. It only took until the last week of July. I got an A. YEAH! That is the best thing of all July. Classes don't restart until Aug. 22!!!! It is like a month of freedom - aside from that two job thing.
Also, August brings great events! For example, Amy is getting married and the day after TJ, JD, Tiff and I run off to Orlando FL for an entire week. I can't wait. I am not taking my work cell either. I am going to be free - free of all work and school and just be with great friends and my hubby. BTW, TJ has never been to Orlando. I can't wait to go to all of the most fun places in the world - the TIKI birds, its a small world after all, SPACE MOUNTAIN! EPCOT, SHAMU!!!!! So excited. I haven't been there in so long - the last time was with my grandparents and I was 12. Before that I had one day in the Magic Kingdom before realizing I had chicken pox at EPCOT. Just will it to not rain. A hurricane-free week will be much appriciated!
OK, so I have rambled on long enough. Later all!