The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I am sorry I have been MIA

For anyone who actually reads this, I have been missing in action for some time. As it turns out, my leg has been hurting like you wouldn't believe. I have pictures, but I am not so sure I should post them online. It might hurt you - trust me, it is so gross.

So, on the job front, I am so excited for August to get here. July has sucked! Really, sucked A LOT! I hope August will be better, but I am not so sure of that. You see, we were told to ignore Aug and only focus on bringing in July. So, does that mean we will be crap for not bringing in August? How aggrivating. I am sure all will look up. There are three new hires starting tomorrow. Good news is, that one of them will be my new assistant!!!!! I love Robert, but he is so far away and WAY over worked.

In other news, I am on summer vacation - from school - finally. It only took until the last week of July. I got an A. YEAH! That is the best thing of all July. Classes don't restart until Aug. 22!!!! It is like a month of freedom - aside from that two job thing.

Also, August brings great events! For example, Amy is getting married and the day after TJ, JD, Tiff and I run off to Orlando FL for an entire week. I can't wait. I am not taking my work cell either. I am going to be free - free of all work and school and just be with great friends and my hubby. BTW, TJ has never been to Orlando. I can't wait to go to all of the most fun places in the world - the TIKI birds, its a small world after all, SPACE MOUNTAIN! EPCOT, SHAMU!!!!! So excited. I haven't been there in so long - the last time was with my grandparents and I was 12. Before that I had one day in the Magic Kingdom before realizing I had chicken pox at EPCOT. Just will it to not rain. A hurricane-free week will be much appriciated!

OK, so I have rambled on long enough. Later all!

Monday, July 18, 2005

I am not the Softball type - it appears...

OK, so I really like to play softball - for many reasons. These include...getting to do something really quality with my husband that he enjoys doing way alot...seeing all of the great people at KeyLogic...getting some form of exercise...being on a team...etc. There are some things I don't like so much about playing softball - these include...I SUCK...I am untalented when it comes to almost anything sport related...I am clumsy even without high speeds...etc.

Now, why did we go through that? Because I am such a dork. What could be the most embarrassing thing ever? How about this...I am up to bat, runners on other bases (see how nonsoftballesc that was?), and two outs. Then there is me - the team says "just hit the ball and run fast." I jokingly tell the catcher "yeah, right, you see that happening right?" And then I do actually hit the ball and I really could have made it to first base this time - IF IT WEREN'T FOR MY FACE PLANT BETWEEN THE BASES!!!!!! Oh-mi-gawd - HOW EMBARRASSING? I am not even sure what happened. I was running and then I was in the dirt. My left knee felt a little funny - like it gave out on me (result of other clumsy ice related fall) - and now my right leg hurts like nothing. I have been trying to be a "big girl" about the situation, but I am so a baby. I finally decided that I would go to the doctor today even though this happened Fri. evening. It hurts worse than any bruise ever.

So, as it turns out, I have a hematoma. Nothing is broken - a good thing - my leg still hurts like a mother - a bad thing. And the even worse will hurt worse before it hurts less. My boss plays softball and she says this is quiet a nasty injury. And that my leg will get hard and hot and black and bluer and green and red and maybe purple.

So, the from home...keep phone on...pray that the blood drives come in (that might make the pain go away...or at least the headache...heat and cold - heat and cold - heat and cold - VIAPROFEN - keep leg elevated.

In unrelated news - there is a web site out there and I recommend everyone checking it out. Go to IT IS SO FUNNY!

Now, off to bed for me. I am old, hurt, cranky, and feel sorry for my husband. He is still so young and fun. I am just old and crabby. Poor TJ...good thing he still loves me. :)


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Could this week suck anymore?!?!?!

So, this week has super sucked - Actually in the work world, July has sucked. There is no relief in sight either! I have yet to have a blood drive hit or excede goal - I have yet to have a drive come close to hitting goal. It is so disappointing too because I have done EVERYTHING on the 12 week cycle for these and I just don't know what is happening! Not only that, but my grandfather is in the hospital and the other one is having all kinds of test because he feels like poopy. And you thought that was it huh - well, no! Yesterday I was greeted by a Deputy Sheriff at the mailbox were we were served our civil summons - YIPPEE!

All will look up though! Although I currently feel like this kitty, I am sure tonight will be fun. We are watching movies with Shannon on the big screen. We always enjoy that! Furthermore, this weekend the bachelorette activities will commence for Amy (btw, today is a month to the big day for her! YEAH!) I know we are going to have so much fun too. Otherwise, in the work world, next week marks the exact middle of July (on Fri of course) and that means that the last half HAS to be better than the first. I have accepted that I can say ix ne on the incentive pay for July, but all will be well!

Later ya'll!