The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Funniest Thing...Today

I want you all to click here and watch the funniest thing I have seen all day! I am not kidding...Go there. WHEEEEEEEEE!

Please let me know what you think. As a sidenote, I do not use FireFox, but this almost makes me want to!

Have a great weekend all -


Thursday, April 20, 2006


I get e-mails from Blackberry G. Mail. I find that to be very amusing! Unfortunately, I get umpteen of these a day - at 4 AM to boot. I also do not like to get e-mails from Susie Swinger who has pharmaceuticals such as Viagra and Cialis for $3.99. How does this happen anyway? I do everything my husband says - I do not randomly sign-up for things online and I do not think I am on some crazy e-mail list.

When is someone going to come up with the "Do Not SPAM" list? If any of you know, please advise as I want to be the first on the list!

Have a great Thrusday!


Monday, April 17, 2006

So Sorry, Mookie!

As one faithful reader has pointed out...not to mention any names, but feel free to read the title of this post...I have not blogged in 2 whole weeks. I apologize for all the undue distress this may have caused some of you.

I know as a loyal blog reader that I get saddened when my favorite authors seemingly disappear and then return only to disappear again for weeks at a time. And I also realize that I am one of these bad bloggers! Again, I am sorry. :)

Now, lets recap. I have been working and working and working. Every once in a while I cook dinner and I have written paper after paper and posted discussion after discussion. Not that I am complaining, but I have been pretty busy. (Here is the time when you remember that I hate when people use the excuse "You don't understand how busy I am" because being busy isn't an excuse that anyone should feel sorry for anyone else about.) Otherwise, we had a great visit with Tiff and JD and went home for a fabulous Easter holiday weekend. Now, everyone is aware of the goings on of yours truly!

I pledge to post more faithfully - thank you for reading!


As a sidenote, it amazes me that Blogger's spell check does not recognize the word blog (suggests bloc) or any form thereof - ex blogger, blogging, etc. :)