The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Sunday, February 25, 2007


I feel as though I have something to say. However, I am now here and at a loss as to what it was I wanted to tell you all.

Michelle, my sister-in-law, is still in the hospital. The lung doctor says she will be on the respirator for another 2 weeks possibly. She has already been on one for over a week and she is awake. I cannot tell you how much she breaks my heart each time we go see her. She is awake and miserable. She wants to get up and doesn't understand 100% what is going on. She is afraid and cannot communicate which is even more frustrating than I could ever imagine.

This week is going to be a whirlwind. I have to go to Charleston on Wed. and Thurs. night and will return on friday afternoon. Furthermore, tomorrow is my birthday. And although there is another 2 days in my "birthday month," TJ doesn't like to let me clain those two days. He seems to usually be over it by then. In my defense though, I do not think I have been too bad this year.

Next thing you kniw it is March. Where has the beginning of 2007 gone? Man, time does fly!

I wish you all well this week. I might not be around too much, but what is new? At least I am telling you this time!


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Weekend Wrap-up

Well, I guess some great weekends end. Some end on a super high note and some end on a little more of a low note.

This President's Day weekend, TJ and I took a trip to Charlotte. It was a much needed and anticipated trip with only the two of us. I was truly SO excited about this weekend. We went to the Ballantyne Resort and Spa. I was still excited when we weren't able to go to the Spa - they were all booked. That is actually a good thing as it turns out because we would have spent crazy more money if we would have had the spa treatments we wanted.

On Friday, we went to a place called the Flat Rock Grille. I was thinking I was going to be disappointed after ordering; however, I could not have been more wrong! TJ, though, was a little disappointed. We had calamari with three sauces to start. WAY YUMMY! I really liked the Asian Chili sauce the best. Then, for dinner, I had a sirloin with a herb butter, asperagus and a baked potato and TJ had grilled tuna with rice and asperagus. All of that was good, but the piece de resistance was by far the cheesecake with berry salsa and hot fudge. OH MY GOODNESS! I could have drank the hot really...with a straw! That evening I fell asleep by 8:30 in the most comfy of beds. TJ thinks we should find out what kind they are and start saving for a new matress ourself!

We got up Sat. and went driving around Ballantyne. It is a really neat community where you can live, work, be healthy and eat. There are super cute shops and fun things to do and see. They also had an International/Independant Film Theatre in the Village. We went to see Pan's Labrynth - in which I highly recommend. It was a beautiful story with fabulous imagry. GO SEE IT. We then went back to the resort and worked out in a great fitness room. Once we got ready, we had dinner at the resort. YUMMY! We both started with a Yukon Gold and Leek Puree. Then, I had bacon wrapped free-range chicken with cheddar gritts and sauted ramps. TJ had cedar smoked salmon with sweet pea risotto and jumbo asperagus. We failed ot have dessert which I kind of regret now.

Anywho, the next day, we woke up and got a call that our sister-in-law was sick and being transferred to Morgantown from the hospital in Beckley. We cut our trip short to come home and be with our family. Luckily, Michelle is doing better today. She had 2 surgeries yesterday. Everything started from an abcess tooth that got out of control. She wsa in such critical condition from a tooth problem. It could have killed her. Knowing that makes me wonder why people feel as though oral health is an option not a neccessity. Please keep her in your thoughts. I know her little ones want her to come home soon!

So, our weekend ended on a lower note, but thankfully everything is looking up now. And because we did not make it to Table (a cool eatery that I wanted to go to Sunday night) and we were unable to get spa treatments and we never made it swimming (our Sunday afternoon plans) we will have to return to the Ballantyne Resort and Spa!

Thank God it is warming up!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I See Dumb People :|

And it is scary indeed! I was talking to a lady today who could simply not grasp what I was trying to tell her...and it was simple. My friend then went and gave me a few of her new Post-its that say "I See Dumb People."

Damn right I more than once a day. I sometimes wonder how in the world people function. I find my self asking, "How did you get dressed this morning?" It is amazing that they can figure out which shoe goes on which foot. The scary thing is that these are the same people who are reporducing...or have reproduced. God help us!

This also reminds me of a movie I saw this past weekend called "Idiocracy." This movie stars Luke Wilson as the most average human of our time. He is cryogenically frozen and forgotten about in a military experiment. Alas, he is found in 2505. When he wakes up, he is the smartest man on Earth. You can see this actually taking place when you watch things like "Bam's Unholy Union" or "Jackass." I highly recommend you see this movie and laugh out loud as we all did. However, you will then have NIGHTMARES as you realize this may not be a comedy, but a prediction of what our world is coming to - DUMB PEOPLE.

Keep warm out there as the "February Fury" continues. If it isn't cold, keep safe!


Sunday, February 04, 2007

What If?

What if I am truly not a nice person? I hope you are reading that and thinking to youself, "why would she say that?" However, I fear that some of you are reading it and thinking, "at least she has come to that on her own!"

You see, this weekend has been interesting. I do not drink often. I do not see the point in it to be matter of fact. Furthermore, I do not like how it makes me feel - especially how mean I seem to get. It is interesting that I have been asked twice this weekend why I do not drink. Both times I simply stated that I am a mean drinker and I do not like that in myself. This is a controlable thing you see. The first girl who asked me then replied with, "well, that is probably a good thing since you are fiesty enough sober." That kind of threw me for a loop to begin with because I don't even know her that well.

Then, I was asked again tonight. With the same answer, I received, something along the lines of - I can't imagine you are meaner drunk than you are sober. Are you kidding me? Do people really think I am mean? If so, why? Now, granted, I am blunt and don't hold back my opinion much. However, I am non-confrontational and a chicken shit to top that. Mean?

I was told that the latter person was just joking. Maybe that is true, but to hear something like that TWICE in one weekend has really thrown me. Not to mention the fact that indeed made me want to be mean. I hate that about my personality. You know, the "if you think I am, why shouldn't I be?"

Sometime, I will get absolutely wasted drunk and see if people like me then. Probably not, ask the Mexican who got my wrath last time..."English or go away," I said. To a complete stranger who was simply trying to buy me a drink on my bachelorette party. Not nice. I am positive I am not that mean on a regular basis...or at least I hope I am not.

I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was too short!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Five Things

Nana tagged me to let you all know five things about myself that you currently do not know. I am kind of an open book, so you may actually be aware of these things, but like Nana, I will try my best!

1. I am a reality TV junkie! I love almost all reality TV shows. I do not care if it is Flavor of Love, I Love New York, The Bachelor, Real World, Road Rules, Laguna Beach, The Duel...see, the list goes on and on!

2. I do not like to kill bugs. Actually, I do not care to kill the small ones, but I do not want to kill a bug I deem too large. It may squish or make a noise and that would freak me out.

3. Along those same lines, I am horrified that if I ever kill a spider that is will either 1- be a jumping variety and launch itself toward me or 2 - have little spider babies and forever give me nightmares! Also along the bug lines, I made my dad leave the movie Arachnophobia when I was little and we went into The Jetsons Movie instead!

4. Bon Jovi is my favorite band! I adore all of their music. My favorite concert was a Bon Jovi concert and I long to see another one!

5. I have trouble forgetting the past, but I am crappy when it comes to holding a grudge. How can that be anyway? I always want to see the best in everyone and it tends to burn me from time to time.

Well, I guess those are my five things you all might not have known about me. Actually, you probably all knew those things, but, again, I am an open book!

I am now tagging Mookie as well (we miss your blog girl!), Candace and Amy if she ever blogs again!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

That Settles It Then!

Due to overwhelming really, four comments is much more than I ever get...I will be starting my audio book. I plan on having it complete by December 21, 2007. However, if I am not done, I am not done and I will keep on working on it.

Furthermore, this is a great day. You are asking yourself, "why", right? It is Feb. 1, 2007. Although there are a great deal of holidays in February, none that I am aware are 2/1. So, what makes this day special? ME! This is the beginning of My Birthday Month! Yes, you read birthday month! Because it is a short month and I am special, I get the whole month.

Now that you have been apprised of my fabulous-ness, remember to wish me a "Happy Birthday Month" each time you see me. Also remember that the most important of the birthday month days is the 26th!

I hope everyone is doing well. Heep warm out there NE USA! It's a cold one!