The Life and Times...

My friend adores the Chinese Proverb: May you live in interesting times. In fact, she too has that on her blog. I want to adopt it...We all definitely live in interesting times whether they are fabulous, exhausting or jinxed. No matter what, let us all live like there is "No Day but Today!"

Friday, June 30, 2006

How much tp should you really use?

I am writing about poo now so that I can forget the sh*t of the past few days and move forward. (Thank you Mookie, I am not posting the other "mean" post...As you are right...It will only cause more drama.) Instead, I am writing about proper wiping habits.

The picture to your left is an actual brand of toilet tissue. Can you imagine how funny it would be if you got into a discussion about what type of tp you use and you reply was "Shitbegone."? They go into great detail on their
site about proper wiping habits. Just a few little tidbits of information:

1. Embossed, not always better. Can be scratchy and irritating if not embossed properly.

2. Fluffy on the roll not always better, just filled with air and you don't wipe with the entire roll of tp.

3. You should never wipe with a crumpled piece of tp. Just like with paper, this causes rough edges and can only irritate your rump. PLEASE, fold...wipe...fold...wipe, discard. Save trees while in the process!

I hope that you are all happy with my educating you on the proper wiping techniques. Potty on, potty people!


P.S. There is also another new type of toilet paper that actually has feet on it so that you kids can count how many feet they need for a proper amount of tp. Rumor has it that you only need 5 sheets. No need for the "catchers-mit" type of wiping technique. You are only killing the trees!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

As a Generalization...

PEOPLE SUCK! Or is it that I am too nice and easily walked over? I have a friend that once nicknamed me the "human doormat." And we are still friends - apparently she was right!

I don't understand why people lie - blatently lie - straight to your face. Is it to save your feelings from being hurt? Is it because they are cowardly? Or is it indeed because they suck?

I had been working with a couple from my hometown for about a year. I kept in touch and delt with all of their trama and drama. I then got a referal from my Broker with a 35% fee. NO big deal right, because that happens quiet frequently. Well, it was from a Broker from back home to help out these people I had already been working with for over a year. We rejected it and my clients continued to speak to me and let me help them find property. Unfortunately, they "weren't sure when daddy was going to be ready to buy" so they kept pushing me to the back burner. Come to find out that they close on a house tomorrow...A HOWARD HANNA LISTING TOO! URGH. They are buying a house I sent them...A house in which I called to tell them it was under negotiations and they replied "well, if we miss it, we miss it, but that is a shame because we really like the house." THEY WERE BUYING IT! LIARS!

I mean come on people. Learn to suck less.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I feel good...DADADADA...I just hope I remember this feeling. I have eaten well all day and worked out. I have been watching what I eat for three weeks tomorrow...and not watching what I eat in the usual Lindsay way (AKA - bend elbow, watch food enter mouth).

I want to continue to make good food choices and exercise daily in my life. I want to read something before I go to bed. I want to be healthy in body and mind. I figure if I can keep this up for another three weeks it will be habit. I am sure I will get tired or watching what I eat, but I won't get tired of feeling good. So it is definitely worth it!

Be healthy!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Countdown to DOOMSDAY...

Are You Kidding Me? This is a TV show that TJ and I watched last night. Honest to God, it was called "Countdown to Doomsday" and it was hosted by Matt Lauer (we decided he was glib and all). Anyway, the show was about what would happen to end human civilazation and how much longer we had until that day comes.

Let me give you a few examples of what they have decided -

Global warming - we are all going to be flooded into Kansas and kill one another because the population will be much higher than the land space availalbe.

Meteor Impact - "it isn't a matter of if, but when Earth will be struck again." AND "only about a team that is like two shifts at McDonalds are working on finding large astroids and meteors that are flying toward the Earth." AND "we haven't found all of the threats out there - we don't know when they will hit, because we don't know where they are."

Pandemic - Watch out BIRD FLU...the good news is that this virus seems to be similar to another virus that killed thousands in the early 1900s and therefore, scientist may be able to find out how to make sure that bird flu doesn't mutate into a human transferrable flu. However, they think you can have this virus and carry it (thus speading it) for up to 2 weeks before you know you are sick.)

Giant Solar Flare - This could knock out all of our satelites and end cell service and electricity. It could "leave humanity without communications or power — triggering a new dark age of primitive barbarism."

Gamma Ray Burst - Even if this would happen 2 light years away, it would shower the Earth with rays millions of times hotter than the sun and cook us all. Sunblock is not going to help any of us!

Otherwise, mass extinction, supervolcanoes, alien invasions and (are you ready...) MACHINE REBELLION are amoung the items we should all be scared to death about.

PLEASE - why do a show like this? Are we really living in a time when everyone needs to be locked in their basement without computers or light and...I mean please!

Don't freak out everyone...sometimes sh*t just happens.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Turning a New Leaf!

Let the Procrastination stop now, please and thank you! As per my previous post, I was definitely procrastinating. However, it is only 6/10 and I have already completed AND submitted the 6/12 assignment I have due. Please hold your applause. :)

Just wanted to share how good it feels to have that over and out of the way.

On another note, SV (if you don't know what that is, then you need to contact me direct) is up and running...Business as Usual. I have them to thank for my proactive "get your homework done since you probalby aren't going to be busy" type of day!


Monday, June 05, 2006


Wikipedia says that procrastination is the deferment or avoidance of an action or task which requires completion by focusing on some other action or task.

I am not sure about all that, but I definitly procrastinate. They also say that it includes some type of anxiety against doing that particular task or simply being lazy. I don't feel like I am lazy and I am a hard worker. However, I wait until the last minute to do so much. I am not sure why really, but I do. I don't think I am afraid to do my homework, nor do I think I am too lazy to do it because I get to it eventually.

Wonder if procrastination is really the right word for it all? Any suggestions?


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thoughts for the day...

The pictures you see on today's blog are exactly why I do not like swimming in the ocean! I am ok until something touches me. What if it looked like these super scary deep sea fish. and, as a sidenote, I DO NOT CARE that I will never swim as deep as these fish live...They are in the ocean!
Furthermore, I think I agree with my husband. Why can't I be a weatherperson? "There is a 50% chance of rain today! Maybe it will rain, maybe it won't. Look outside your window and see if I am right or wrong!"
And, although I may be late with this news, the fall TV lineups were released. ABC moved Grey's Anatomy to Thursdays at 9pm. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT? Good news is that What About Brian gets another chance! Also, the new show to come up after Desperate Housewives is Brothers and Sisters - Clarissa Flockharts return to prime time. People are way excited about that...Yippee...Whatever. It beter be a good show!

Sorry it has been so long - working hard to keep afloat! :)